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Goeke Technology Group GmbH

An der Dänischburg 25
D – 23569 Lübeck

Telephone: + 49 451 39700
Fax: + 49 451 397019

Represented by
Managing Director: Matthias Goeke, Matthias Fabian Goeke
Authorised signatory: Georg Schäfer

Local Court Lübeck, HRB 5527
VAT ID No.: DE225585268

IBG Automation GmbH

Osemundstraße 14-22
D – 58809 Neuenrade

Telephone: + 49 2392 96890
Fax: + 49 2392 968919

Represented by
Managing Director: Matthias Goeke
Authorised signatory: Georg Schäfer

Local Court Iserlohn, HRB 5288
VAT ID No.: DE811884834

IBG Technology Hansestadt Lübeck GmbH

An der Dänischburg 25
D – 23569 Lübeck

Telephone: + 49 451 39700
Fax: + 49 451 397019

Represented by
Managing Director: Matthias Goeke
Authorised signatory: Georg Schäfer

Local Court Lübeck, HRB 4628
VAT ID No.: DE198696783

IBG Automation Malta Ltd.

HHF25 Hal Far Industrial Estate
MLT – BBG3000 Birzebbugga

Telephone: + 356 277 99600
Fax: + 356 277 99613

Represented by
Managing Director: Matthias Goeke
Authorised signatory: Georg Schäfer

Company Registration No.: C65705
VAT ID No.: MT21834128

The imprint also applies to our social media profiles.
Responsible for the content according to § 18 MStV

Matthias Goeke

Mandatory information according to § 36 and § 37 VSBG

We are not willing or obliged to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

Industrial property rights

When using this website, industrial property rights of the IBG I Goeke Technology Group and its companies must be observed. This applies in particular to information (text and image materials, music, graphics, animations, videos, etc.) and their arrangement on the website, which are protected by copyright, as well as to trademark rights. Duplication, dissemination, reproduction or further transmission and other use is not permitted without the written consent of IBG.

Hypertext links

The website contains hypertext links to other websites. IBG is not responsible for the privacy practices of such websites and does not endorse or accept any responsibility for their content. A hypertext link to the IBG I Goeke Technology Group website may only be established with the prior consent of our company. If you wish to set up such a hyperlink to our website, please contact us in writing in advance.

Correctness of the information

The information on this site is intended for the German or German-speaking market. IBG makes every effort to ensure that the content of this website is free of errors and up to date. In general, all information on this website is provided without warranty of any kind.

Limitation of liability

All illustrations on this website are non-binding. Although the website has been created with the utmost care, IBG cannot guarantee that the information provided on the pages is free of errors. IBG is not liable for any damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of its website, unless caused by intent or gross negligence. In the event of slight negligence, IBG shall only be liable in the event of a breach of a material obligation, whereby the amount of compensation claims shall be limited to the foreseeable damage.


The use of the website is subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.

If you have any questions about the above information, please send an e-mail to .  Please also read our notes on privacy .