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Azubi-Talk: Companies from the region inform about apprenticeship professions at the municipal secondary school in Balve
IBG I Goeke Technology Group · 

IBG informs about apprenticeships in Balve

Three of our trainees from different fields represented IBG at the Azubi-Talk of the "Städtische Realschule in Balve" last Friday. The career orientation event was aimed at pupils in the 9th and 10th grades. In the auditorium of the secondary school, the young people were able to find out about the wide range of apprenticeships offered by regional companies.

Our trainees reported on their own apprenticeships and their personal experiences. They presented our apprenticeship professions and IBG as a training company to the students. In particular, our prototype of an AGV was very popular.

In September IBG will also be represented at the following training fairs:

  • Career in MK
    12 - 13 September 2023
    Grohe Forum Hemer
  • BOM
    26 - 27 September 2023
    Albert Einstein Comprehensive School Werdohl

We look forward to your visit!