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TECHXPO MALTA 2023: "AI meets industry" - IBG participates in the B2B network meeting from 19.09. - 21.09. September
IBG I Goeke Technology Group · 


The first edition of "TECHXPO MALTA" is just around the corner. The B2B networking event of science, business and politics sharpens Malta's efforts to be present in the fields of artificial intelligence, technology and industry beyond the Mediterranean.

The local industry has been harnessing the power of digitalisation for years and will be showcasing this with TECHXPO 2023 from 19 to 21 September through a series of exhibitions, presentations, technical papers and discussions. Feel free to visit our stand at the technology fair. Our experts will be on hand to answer your questions.

Our IBG Automation Malta Director, Dr. Ing. Donald Dalli, will be giving a presentation on "The innovative use of robotic arms for automation processes in industry" on 20 September.